Caste Based Reservation in India

Reservation in India refers to the practise of reserving seats for a specific group of people in government jobs, educational institutions, and even legislatures. It was affirmative action for the backward and impoverished classes of Indian society, hence it was also known as positive discrimination. Reservation is a contentious issue. Throughout India, you will encounter a significant number of people who are both for and anti-reservation. Even the reservation system has received mixed reviews. The notion of reservation was created to promote one of the Indian constitution's core rights, the Right to Equality, which declares that all citizens are equal before the government. Castes were split based on the sort of job individuals did in India's social and status structure, i.e., a caste was a group of people who had a common economic vocation. As a result of this hierarchy, there emerged a class of individuals who were treated unfairly because of their predecessors' labour...