Meaning, Role, and Status of Social Groups, and Their Impact on Personality

Individuals interacting with one another make up society. As a member of society, you are classified into many classes and groups based on social factors such as gender, occupation, race, caste, religion, faith, ideology, and so on. On the basis of shared interests, an individual might be a member of a variety of social groupings. A guy is taught to be a man by society. Culture and conventions shape an individual's personality and make him desirable to live among individuals of his type. People gather together and interact to meet shared needs, making it simpler to survive in a group. As a result, becoming a part of a group and adapting to its norms is critical.

I am a member of the social groups listed below.

1. Primary classes

Primary groupings are those in which primary relationships are the most prominent. Symphatic touch and direct exchanges between group members with some mutual comprehension are the primary relationships. The members of the organisation become directly involved in the affairs of others.

Status and role:

Let's take my relationship with my family as an example. Because I am the family's First Son, my responsibility in the family group is to love and understand my family members. Providing psychological comfort and conforming to their way of life. According to societal conventions, I am also supposed to obtain good grades and be a good human.

Impact on my personality:

Because my family is so close to me, they have shaped my entire personality. My sense of style, my mental attitude, and the way I think and see things are all factors.

2. In groups

Psychologically, I identify with the pupils in my class. We have similar levels of maturity and nearly identical perspectives on various problems.

Status and role:

I am expected to understand and help my peers as a member of a student group. I have a strong viewpoint and am not afraid to express it. We are the youth, and we have the power to alter the world.

Impact on my personality:

Living alongside my peers has helped me form my alternatives and have a deeper understanding of the world. As a student, I've been studying and growing. Over the years, I've gained information and applied it to achieve my objectives.

3. Formal Groups :

I am a member of the college's Football selection committee as a formal group. It's a group with rules and regulations, and its members identify with one another.

Status and role:

As a member of the club, I am in charge of the logistics and reviewer for the event.

Impact on my personality:

I'm gaining knowledge and building a Team for the university as a member of a committee. By doing so, I've gained leadership and teamwork abilities.

4. Informal Group : 

As a sociable being, I find myself in numerous informal gatherings. I am a member of Informal groups because I participate in trade affairs and meet new people in the market. Despite the fact that I have no significant role or prestige, it has no effect on my personality.

5. Ethnic Groups :

I am a member of the Hindu ethnic group and, to a lesser extent, the Patel Community. I identify with these groups because they have a strong influence on my culture, values, and behaviours. This is something I received from my family, and I practise Hinduism.

Role and Status : 

I am a lowly member of this ethnic group with no real power. For the regulations, I must follow their procedures and not break the code of behaviour outlined in our community's epics.
